Tuesday, November 29, 2005
one month down the road together as one flesh
it's officially our
one month wedding anniversary. hehe.
went to the temple to pray today cos i'm going out to drive tomorrow (and thank god it's a good lot!) plus, it's been a while since we last went to pray. went with my mr wong and my brother + gf (OMG! yes, my brother has a gf!) haha! so they waited for us while we went to pray and all.
wanted to have bak ku teh for dinner cos they've never tried it before, and sean and i wanted to introduce them something nice and new to them (first time seeing my brother's gf!) but while we were walking there, i suddenly had an urge to tell sean this
"scully the shop close. i drop onto the ground i tell you!" haha! and guess what?! it was really closed. haha. sean replied,
"your premonition is at work again ar" haha! yes, this is not the first time i said about something before it happened. lol! weirrrd.
anyhus! what happened after that was that we were deciding where else to eat, and suddenly he said
BILLY BOMERS and i was like
WHAT?!?! why go to such an expensive place for just a normal dinner?! haha. then we were deciding on mos burger, food court, mcdonalds etc. then suddenly i screamed
GUESS WHAT DAY IS IT TOMORROW?! then he thought for a while and said
oh! happy 1st *month wedding anniversary, dear! let's go billy bombers to celebrate! haha. then he told my brother + gf that we're going to go there to eat to celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary. and told them to join us. haha!
so yes, we went there and had OREO MILKSHAKE!! plus 2 set meals and one shared honey stung chicken. we shared the 3 dishes together, so filling!! haha. then we ate and talked, and crapped. after that we walked around bugis until the gf gotta go home. so we all took a cab and sent her back (BF must know 101, with sean&mabes) and then we went back.
played games and stuff. am currently waiting for them to be done looking and deciding what to buy in their game (thank god i'm an archer, so much easier to buy weapons. wahaha!) so yah lah. going on to paint the house in a while. AIN'T GOING SCHOOL TOMORROW! (or rather later. haha!)
excited about tomorrow's driving lesson! weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
12:17 AM
Saturday, November 26, 2005
mrs wong and her driving plans
i have called mr teo to ask him to to teach me driving, just this evening. i am so excited and so over the top!
happily jumping while talking to him, telling him that i'm a first-time learner and that i've just passed my basics and obtained my PDL. hehe.
omg. imagine the actual feel of going onto the roads. JUST IMAGINING IT GETS ME HIGH! hehe.
so anywhos, i will keep an update on my entire driving learning experience here cos it's like a whole new chapter in my life. and my baby's supporting me all the way in driving. hehe. he's so encouraging and supportive. i love you, sweets! hehe.
currently, sean and my brother are playing Conquer Online, i've sent my character for training, it's cheaper for me and that it's more "profitable" for me in terms of XP. wahaha! so it's a cheap and easy way for me to level up. we just went for supper at block 85. sean and i weren't quite hungry, so we just had ah-balling! while my brother had porridge. hehe.
omg, i'm seriously excited about starting to learn how to drive this coming tuesday. hehe. excited, scared, enthusiastic and very nervous! hehe. all in one! but mostly excitement! hehe.
12:14 AM
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
mrs wong learns how to drive
i just passed my basic driving theory test, and just obtained my PDL (provisional driving licence)!!
going to start to learn how to drive while waiting for my final driving theory test. wahaha!
yay me!
2:56 PM
Thursday, November 17, 2005
my apologies
yesterday and the day before was my fault.
when i was all alone in our empty house (not exactly since there's our rabbits) i was thinking of the past few days, when i've been feeling neglected. all in all, i think it's only fair. cos one thing for sure is that he had objections to my bowling cos of my back problems but he still let me bowl, he even follows me to training! so yes, feeling guilty and realising that i'm taking away something he like so much away from him is very, very cruel of me! cos he didn't take away something i like so much away even though mine is more serious, cos my back is involved.
so yes, when he came back, i apologised to him but he was obviously still pissed. then i told him all of the above and told him it's been so selfish of me, etc etc. then he said that he'll stop playing the game cos of the house but i was like "don't bluff! house or no house you'll still play it regularly!" basically, i made him go out and play the game with my sister and brother, me also lah! then the 4 of us basically just enjoyed ourselves until about 1am this morning. haha! before we started playing the game, i told him that he married a really childish and immature wife, but guess what he replied? he smiled and said, "it's ok. you'll mature over time, you're on your way there already."
YAY!so yeah! haha. then we cuddled to sleep. have i told you guys that recently i like to sleep in my birthday suit? wahaha. so comfy and all. and when he realised i was like that last night (i complained of stomach pain and he moved his hands over to pressure it) haha. just go imagine la. woke up thinking that it was 6am, but actually, it's 7 ALREADY.
okies. we're still quite a long way to our perfect house, but everything will be fine. YES!
10:24 AM
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
thanks, mum
my mother did us a HUGE favor.
last night when we were calculating our expenses and all, we realised that we enough to pay for all the necessary things like his car insurance + road tax, our bed frame + mattress and the wedding reception.
but we didn't have enough to buy paint to re-paint the house (it's $60 per bucket for freakin' out of my mind's sake!), he won't have enough to spend on food till his next pay.
SO, i went to mum and had a talk with her. she did say if i had any problems, i can always count on her and just tell her the figures and numbers and she'll decide how much we'll need, and then she'll give it to us. when i first talk to her (about a month ago) she said she'll give me $2k, so i was expecting that much. but last night, after the talk, she wrote me a cheque (which i will be depositing later). all i can say is that she gave me more than what i had expected, and that it is more than double the amount i expected.
my mum has got to be the best (of cos, i might come back another day blabbering about why i don't like her so much. haha!) but yes, as they always say, mum will always be your mum. no matter what, they will still and always love us =)
she also told me that she's going to have a giro like thing for me, whereby every month, she'll have my allowance deposited in my account (sound so working kind, right?) then i'll just withdraw. she also made sure i heard this comment on the fact that i'm getting more than twice the amount my sister got last time, when she was still schooling in poly. haha. i know, i know. i've always had more allowance than everyone else =) but hey! i'll be providing for you all sooner than all of them! i'm sure of it =P
now. i sent this sms to sean last night, using his hp (yes, i sent it back to his hp too. haha!) "
i need you to spend time with me. i need you to hug me to sleep. i need you more than anything. but you don't seem to need me the same way." it had him climbing into bed with me, hugging me from the back (i was facing the wall) softly saying "
i'm sorry"
honestly, it was what i wanted, him hugging me to sleep. but i felt bad cos while i think he should spend more time with me than the online game, i was also thinking that i had been selfish by taking him away from the game. contridicting? yes, i think. i want him to spend time with me yet, when he turns of the laptop cos i tell him to, i feel bad! what is wrong with me? goodness!
obviously, i woke up feeling moody. no mood to talk to him. don't even have the mood to hold his hand. but i felt really bad, so when he dropped me off at the mrt station, i did the usual routine of telling him to becareful while driving or to drive safe, and giving him a kiss on the lips. only today, i didn't face him. it was sort of a half-half kind of thing. i only gave him the area of half my lips and part of my face. i'm weird, i know. but i'm also feeling very, very neglected.
moving on! he told me yesterday that he has decided to move the rabbits over first (yay!) which is today! the rabbits are going to their new home today! yay! then felix (my brother) would be helping sean to clean up the house first. when he has to go off for tuition, felix will go home to wait for me and after i finished school, i'll go find felix then we'll head back to the house and clean up further. after which, we'll go with our parents for dinner at parkway cos my younger sister (sonia) is having tuition there. haha! and after that, depending on my mood and the cleanliness of the new house, maybe we'll continue with the cleaning of the house. or maybe i should just stay home to watch the dancing drama show on ch8.
12:05 PM
Monday, November 14, 2005
more wedding reception photos
here's the set from one of my uncle. there's still 2 more on the way, from another uncle of mine and sean's brother.
my parents (on the left) and his (on the right) and us inbetween.
us and my parents! his now too!
us and my maid, rowena + younngest sister, sonia
us and my second aunt + husband
us and my first aunt + family. zhicong and yuting, my darling cousins =)
us and my dad's only brother, my uncle + family
my grandma (mum's side) talking to us
we made the kids go on a treasure hunt so they'll stop getting into trouble.
them, while searching
i wasn't too happy when the fella kept reading my name wrongly. from lee yin mei to lee jing mei? OMG!
i found the swear/vow pretty hilarious, it's so in the movies. only that we aren't looking at each other endearingly in the eys. haha.
10:21 AM
Friday, November 11, 2005
married life, part I
i'm like writing a book, a book of my marriage to sean. haha. what's up with my title! i'm just so in love with all these part I part II stuff nowadays. wahaha!
anyways, life has been rather routined. i wake up in morning, shower, got dress, wake him up, do my hair, check my things while he wears his shoes, open the door, head towards his car, he drops me off at the mrt station and off we go towards our own destination.
then we just deal with our whatever nots and he'll either head home first or stick around in school to wait for me. then he'll pick me up from the taxi stand and we'll either go back to his place or mine.
then, depending on time and all that, we'll decide what to do. either eat or sleep or play computer games.
and then after that, in the evening, we'll have dinner then play somemore games, while i get distracted by the 9pm show on channel 8. haha. then after that play a while more and then we head to the room.
here's when the things vary from one night to another. like sometimes he'll massage me to sleep first then he'll go exercise and play game, or sometimes we'll just have you-know-what before he gives me a massage till i fall asleep. or i'll just fall asleep while he exercises and he'll tell me if he had massaged me the day after. or sometimes we'll just fool around we konk out. haha.
*sigh* everyday is like the same.
so i don't really know why i actually made this blog for. haha.
maybe when we're finally living alone together, there'll be more stories to tell! *fingers crossed*
2:48 PM
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
a whole new concept
i'm so proud of myself!
managed to complete this entire new blog on my own! =)
of cos i had a little help with blogskins.com. hehe.
anyways, people that i have given this blog to, you can list it under
mrs wong cos one thing i know for sure is that i'll still use the other one. haha!
yes, i'm greedy =P
and yes, i've finally come to acceptance of whatever you all are calling me. be it
wong tai tai,
mrs wong,
tai tai etc. haha!
okay. need to like rest my tired eyes now.
11:20 PM
yes, i am mrs wong.
haha. new blog.
so fun!
2:24 PM