Tuesday, January 24, 2006
wedding gowns
one of my facilitator sent me an email containing various links to sites which contained wedding related stuff. and since i was so bored, and pretty redundant into today's group (it's maths and graphs) i decided to surf the web to take a look at what i might think i want for my wedding gown to be like... and here's what i saw and really like.. 10 altogether. hehe.

1:32 PM
lovely ladies
who better to ask for help for the wedding than my primary school classmates! who've known me since i entered school! that's like.. 11-12 years already?! hehe. yes, CERISE girls :) and of cos my darling secondary school good friend, holly.
i was just going through all the stuff in the storeroom (which is in a total mess!) and i found the guestbook that sean and i had bought last year, supposedly to be used during our solemnisation but we decided not to use it cos it was going to be a really small affair. so i was like, "eh, we are going to use this for the wedding dinner right?" and he said, "yah! and we need helpers for that!" so i was like running through my brain who i could rely on for a job like this and others. he said he can't depend on his friends cos they simply just turned up and did nothing like they said they would on our solemnisation (they said they'll help us collect red packets and gifts and get the guests to sign the guestbook, but they didn't)
and since i met up with my darling primary school friends that day (and boy! am i glad to!) i was like "HOW ABOUT THEM!?!?" and sean said to ask first before we confirmed anything and the response was great. hehe. one of amanda's response was the funniest and most assuring, "haha.. wow cool.. i always wanted to do tt during weddings! haha.. ok no problem.. count me in :)" am i glad to have you girls as friends or what?? so Holly, Chris, Michelle K. and Amanda have all agreed to help me with the wedding dinner. hopefully, they'll do me the honour of guarding the door when sean picks me up! hehe. so exciting! :)
sean had actually wanted to do a one man show, turning up at the door alone. haha. but then when i said he can get my brother's help, he was all for it! haha. then whilst walking home, i was thinking that maybe zhicong could help too! afterall, cong is like my big big big! brother. i remember when we were small and visiting farms in singapore, he held my hand tightly cos i was so scared of the huge dogs guarding those farms! hehe. and when i went korea, cong was my personal pillow on the bus. haha. yes, great big brother who brought me shopping and bought me stuff i wanted on my birthday and christmas! hehe. yes, i'm pampered by him too. haha!
so here's to my wonderful helpers (amanda, chris, holly and michele k. my brother, felix and *cross fingers* hopefully zhicong!) and darling of a hubs hubs, sean (for giving me what i want and making everything so sweet and great. hehe) thank you all! soooooooooo looking forward to that day... hehe.
p.s. there's still so much to prepare! but it seems like there's a lot of time to waste as well! wahaha. great or what?
9:24 AM
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
current mood: HAPPY!!
the last 2 days had been fun and really great!
for monday's details, please proceed to my other blog, since this is suppose to be mrs wong and not mabel. haha.
yesterday (tuesday) i was discussing with my mum the details for the wedding dinner and everything. asking her what we're suppose to do that day, how to go about arranging it etc. then called to check the place that we plan to hold it at, and it said that currently it's available on the date that we want, but there were 5 other couples who were still deciding. true or not, i'm not sure. if it's a tactic to make us book the place, it worked! haha. cos after i pestered sean to bring everyone down for food tasting, he relented after he realise how upset i was when i said, "what if we don't get the place???" so he booked the place while i was sulking one side, and went to gather my parents, his and my grandparents etc. so those we went besides us, both parents and my grandparents was his younger brother and my sister + maid. mum couldn't bare to leave the 2 of them alone at home. haha.
so we had dinner, and cos the place was part of this group called Tung Lok (i think i might have mis-spelt it) everyone was saying that the food and service would be great even before we had anything. haha! and it's true!! they were all so goddamn delicious, especially their desserts! (i got so freakin' excited just by putting them on my plate. imagine that!!) i'm in loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
so needless to say, we've decided on the place and all of us, especially me! (the arguably most pampered of all - for now that is) is happy, happy, happy! weeeeeeeeee! haha, ok, am going ku ku.
oh yah, i forgot to say the place. haha. it's Paramount Hotel opposite parkway. and reason why we chose the place? cos the lazy bum bum me refuse to travel far. wahaha! and also cos of all the really great incentives! like 3 free (hold and behold!) KTV ROOMS!! wahaha! and of cos the usual free hotel stay thing. haha. there's more lah, but most are the usual.. wedding invitation, valet parking, waiver of corkage fee etc. oh yah! and they can cater to a single individual vegetarian and muslim! great isn't it? in case you're wondering, the muslim food would be specially catered from outside! so considerate right!
so yah. that's about it la! haha.
we changed the bedsheets on sunday. and sotong me, forgot the take photo of the first set of bedsheets (jolene! do you have it??) haha. but i did take the second one!!
here's to the upcoming chinese new year and valentine's day! :)
this is our darling bedroom and the beautiful lamp!
(wardrobe's on the left, not seen)
our new bedsheets!
sweet love <3
8:00 AM
Friday, January 13, 2006
wong's princess
today, baby was really great!! hehe.
he brought me, my brother and brother's girlfriend to eat at century square's billy bombers. *slurp!* so delicious! love love love!! the cookies&cream milkshake. HEART IT! hehe. my brother paid for 1/4 of the meal, and sean paid the rest. =)
then, we walked around century square to look at new shops that opened, some stuff they had. spent a while at this hobby shop looking at all the deformed pokemon (head tilted 180º away from actual position!) and all the diy car models, discussing about all the cars we like and dislike. haha. damn fun.
after that, we realised that it was going to be 9pm soon, and bro's gf gotta be home at around 9pm, so we took off and headed for the taxi stand to send her back. we went in the direction where one of sean's student was working at a stall in cs, but she wasn't there.
so we headed for the exit, and on the way out, i saw SWEATERS!! if i'm not wrong, it was RED2. i found a sweater that did not have a hood! which i'm so glad to find, cos i've been trying to find that for like 9374983723487329423 years!! haha. it was the last piece =( sean asked me if i liked it, and i did! it's so nice! (it's white and plain, no design whatsoever - simplicity, i like) haha. then i checked it and all, more or less very new la. doubt anyone has touched it more than i did. haha. then he said he'll buy it for me!! i insisted on buying it for myself, but he said he'll buy it for me. then he took the sweater to the counter to buy it. YAY! hehe. mr wong bought me a sweater! wahaha. ok, i sound crazy. but the last time sean bought me clothes related stuff, it was like about 1 year ago. for the past year, it's been gadgets and practical stuff - like a house! and my darling ipod!
don't wanna tell you all too much, it's getting late. haha. but yay! i felt like a total princess today. hehe. i love love my baby so much. yay!
11:45 PM
Thursday, January 12, 2006
taking the pregs down
Hmm, food for thought – when will you have a child? Who will look after it? What changes would you make in your life for it?
Sean and I discussed that issue last night cos I was feeling a little unsure and having some fears. We decided that we should have kids after I have worked for about 2-3 years. That should be when I’m about… 24-25? Then we’ll look after the child ourselves, meaning, I’ll stay at home and look after our kid, cos by then Sean would definitely be able to look after another mouth. Depending on how you look at it, there’s good and bad to it. Good – I can lead the tai-tai like life that all my classmates have been saying, meaning I can go out as and when I like with my baby, do side work like tuition or conduct courses. And still be a superb housewife =P The bad – that I’ll end up as a huang lian puo (yellow-faced woman) but I highly doubt I would, given my character and personality. Haha! So it would definitely be the former. I am, afterall, a lazy bum bum and might never ever settle for or survive a 9-5 job or something that’s stable and same everyday. Haha! Yes, I like to do things that don’t deal with much politics (think office politics, bleah) haha. Oh yah, another one is to like help my dad with his business. Haha. Family business should hardly have any politics, right?
But anyways, I’m thinking of this now because I want to make sure my future has sort of a plan. At least a path that I’m sure would turn out ok, not great or wonderful, just ok. Haha. Yes, a little bit worried cos the last few days, I’ve been feeling a little erm, preggy. And I don’t want anything right now, I just want to complete my studies and go out into the working world first before anything else happens to our current lifestyle. But I doubt I am. It’s quite 50-50 actually. Oh boy... bleah. Let’s just wait and see… I could just be suffering from indigestion or something. Haha.
current Kitchen wish-list1/ a pot
2/ metal forks and spoons
3/ knives
4/ 20 piece dinner set (that matches my house and dining table)
5/ a rack to put all the wet plates and stuff, current one is too high for me. I can’t reach it =(
6/ all the different sauces to make my delicious meal for my delicious hubby, haha.
9:20 AM
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
fancy a little bit of us
mr and mrs wong would like to thank the people who bought the precious moments culinary set!
thank you. thank you. thank you.
! ! !
mrs wong, i.e. me, is going driving tonight! at 8! yes, i'm going to try driving in the night. mr wong, i.e. sean, told me to pray that it will not rain, cos last night when we were driving home from dinner, it was raining and he said that the visibility is very bad especially with heavy rain. but i think i should try to drive in every situation now, with an instructor, so that after i get my license, i'll be good to go. tee hee.
AM so excited. i can't wait to get my license and then start flashing it in front of all those people who said they'll drive me to the driving centre to re-take my test. wahaha! victory shall be mine! :)
ok, going nuts. i really want my license. as in really, really, really want it. i want it bad.
here are 2 photos of mr and mrs wong.
2:45 PM