Thursday, March 30, 2006
hairstyles for that night
i've decided to stop recalling the past until i go into reminiscing mood again. haha!
anyways, over the last 2 days, i've been playing with my hair and thinking of how i would wear my hair on my wedding night.
(fyi, we're already married, we just haven't gone through the customaries and wedding dinner cos of my grandpa's passing on)i contemplated on perming my hair, think long soft curls, not poodle-do. but i figured given my small frame, i'll just disappear in the added hair volume. haha. so i'll stick to my normal straight hair, and continue rebonding, if needed
(other than the first 3days, m hair looks pretty natural. haha!)AND! i'm going to plait my hair! yes, on my wedding night. i've mastered the art of plaiting my hair,
by myself. haha. hurray!
anyways, there's 2 ways which i know how to plait.. and the 2 hairstyles that i'm going to use on my wedding day.. all i need now is for my hair to grow REALLY fast! hahaha. i want it to be long, cover more than my boobs long. hehe. if it doesn't become that long.. maybe i can consider hair extensions.. hmm.. haha!

2 pigtails! personally, i find this really cute. hehe. maybe i could use this do for like the tea ceremony and all! haha. will it be too kiddy? hmm...

honestly, i love this alot. i know there's no plaits in this picture (imagine!) my hair's a bit over-layered and short to tie plaits at the side. i'm definitely wearing this do on my wedding night. i'll feel so chic yet mature! haha.
10:14 PM
Friday, March 24, 2006
The Birthday Present
After the meeting at the carpark, i told sean that my birthday was the next day cos at that point in time, i was super-duper excited about turning 17, cos well, that was my birthday date. haha. and i like the number 17.
so anyways, he said that he'll buy me a birthday present which i was shocked to have as a reply. i wasn't looking for presents, i was just damn excited at turning 17. i remember running around the house for a whole week announcing to everyone i was turning 17. haha!
then the next night, (on my 17th birthday!) he called and asked me if i liked hair accessories. i liked those but i'm not a big fan of clips which was what he had intended to buy for me (from which i found out from my sister that the brand he had wanted to buy from was a damn expensive brand. but don't ask me what it is now, cos i can't remember) and i said something like i prefer something practical and not something nice to look at and then put it away. haha. but of cos i did say there's no need for him to buy me a present and insisted it to be that way.
then he replied back and asked me if i wanted contact lens for my birthday and i was SHOCKED. i wanted contacts but i wanted my parents to buy them for me, not someone else. i went to ask my parents for permission (it would be weird if i suddenly turn up with contacts right?) and my mum questioned "this friend" of mine and said i can go ahead if i wanted to since it would save her a lot of hassle later on where she promised i'll get contacts before my graduation.
i told him my parents were ok with it and i was ok with it, so he replied that we should get it done the next day! the day my cousin and then bf was bringing me out to shop for clothes as birthday present.
so we agreed to meet the next day, in the evening, after i'm done with shopping =)
my friend, amanda, messaged me early in the morning and she told me she was working for Cleo! my goodness. how exciting! and she said she was writing a column "It happened to me..." and asked me if it was okay to do a story on sean and myself. i was obviously excited, afterall, it is Cleo. haha. but nothing's confirmed yet, that i must say first. gonna meet up with her next week so that she can do an interview, then she'll do the write-up and after that submit for approval. geez, i wish i could work somewhere with something i like in the future. haha.
6:22 PM
Monday, March 13, 2006
our first meeting
i was at my then boyfriend's place, and i was still sms-ing sean non-stop (fyi, at that time, we haven't told each other about the other person in our lives)
i remember i asked him about his car, the one that my friends were talking about, and he told me that it's a toyota mr2 which i had no idea what it was. he said to search for it online and all. since i was at my then boyfriend's place, i went to search for it. and it was filled with pictures that weren't anything like his actual car. he told me that the one i saw online is the new model.
so i told him i don't know how his car looked like at all since the internet couldn't provide the accurate photo. so he invited me over his neighbourhood in the evening where he parked his car.
i was tempted so i left the then boyfriend's place at around 6pm to look for sean (he gave me directions to his place)
when i reached there, he was washing his car and then he was like "this is my car" at first i was like (not very impressed face) "oh, this is your car?" and he was like "yah". later, i felt a bit bad la, for hinting that i've offended his taste in cars, so i quickly added, "no offence ar, just not my type" and he was "it's ok"
so we spent the evening talking and me seeing him wash his car. i remembered that he said something like his car has been parked there for quite a while cos his license got suspended, and i was like "really?" cos i've been taking bus back from that area and i've never ever noticed his car. HAHA. (it's at a pretty obvious place, and if you're travelling on the bus, passing the carpark, you'll be able to see it)
he invited me to take a sit in his car, to see how it feels and all, and i denied it. i was still thinking about all those stuff that my friends had been talking about him when i was sitting with them (secret!) and i was feeling a bit erm, scared. haha. i just remained standing around the car, moving away from the water splashing around. haha.
so i stayed there until about 7pm, then i said i had to be home for dinner. by then he was just finishing cleaning his car, and he said to wait for him cos he wants to get a drink which is near the bus stop. so i waited for him to pack up and all, then followed him to buy a drink. then he walked me to the bus stop and waited for the bus with me. hehe.
that was our first meeting, all alone. hehe. at that time, i was feeling happy, awkard, scared and everything in between. haha.
after i got on the bus and all, we started sms-ing again. hehe. it felt, then, that sms-ing was so much easier than talking face to face (was i shy?) so we started sms-ing back and forth till it's late at night.
i remember that i talked to my then boyfriend early and cut him off so i can talk to sean when he was going to call. HAHA. then, i even standby with the cordless phone, and he'll send me an sms saying "calling now" and i picked it up at first ring. haha. that's cos we'll be talking so late at night till the weeeeeeeeeeeeee hours in the morning. hehe. and i didn't want my parents to know! haha.
aiyoh, and imagine, we both had to get up early the next day for school. only that i'm studying and he's teaching. haha.
3:46 PM
Saturday, March 11, 2006
how it all began...
i was lying in bed, all alone, thinking about how much fun sean and i used to have. recently, over the last week, we haven't been able to spend much time together because he has been having a lot of activities going on in his school. mind you, being a teacher is good, it's the school you end up with that determines your stress level.
so anyways, i was thinking about how sean and i got to know each other, which up till now, i still find amazing. haha.
he used to be a trainee teacher at my school, taking our class's geography (and social studies too, i think) lessons. but at that time, he had no clue who i was cos he only had eyes for my good friend. and if you're wondering if i liked him, i won't deny. he is afterall one of the better looking male teachers in our school, and coming from an all girls school, there's hardly many male teachers around. haha.
that same year, after he finished his training at my school, the above-mentioned friend passed away in a road accident, involving a bus at changi interchange, when they were together, returning from a visit at the old changi hospital (yes, it's the old changi hospital). some of you might recall it.
one year later, her family held a mass for her on her death anniversary, which i didn't attend but he did, by then, my memory of him was almost non-existant. i still know his name and that taught us, and that i liked him. hahaha. but that was about it.
another year later, on her 2nd death anniversary, my friends insisted on having a gathering at her family's place cos they couldn't get a priest to hold a mass at the church. so this time, i went. i decided to not stay away like i did for the funeral (i only went on the day she was going to be cremated) and the 1st death anniversary. while i was there, i heard that our mr wong was coming too. i was feeling excited yet depressed.
i won't deny that before the gathering, i was telling everyone how much i hated him and all. citing that it's because he was there when my friend passed away, and not because he noticed her and not me - not that i was as loud and attractive as my friend then. haha. but anyways, my friends were telling me not to hate him cos it's not his fault. but i've heard so many rumours about him by then, i was quite unsure what to believe and what not to. haha.
ok, one thing i have to tell you guys first, i scribbled (or rather stole) his handphone number from another friend's notebook when we were all still in the same class. but i never ever messaged him or called him. haha.
so anyways, we met at the gathering and all he offered pizza to me and my friend, which i thought was a way of redeeming himself. haha. (when i asked him, after we got together, he said he was just trying to help the mother) so anyways, i refused it, and walk to another pizza and took a piece. HAHA. what i bitch i was sia. haha.
so after staying till about 11pm, the mother said we should all go home cos some of us still had school the next day. so she offered to drive all of us home. so we all got out of the house, and while i was waiting for the lift, and the others still wearing their shoes, i heard sean ask "who's that girl?" referring to me. my friends laughed and said "you used to teach her!! she's mabel!" he was obviously embarassed, and i just pretend i didn't hear anything. haha.
walking towards the carpark, i heard my friends talking about his car, asking if he drove or not etc. apparently he drove his car to the mass the year before. but he didn't this year. so he sat in front of the van, while the rest of us packed behind. then before we move off, his mother was checking who stayed where and the route back. somehow, i ended up being the last girl to go home, while sean was the last to be actually dropped off.
so we were talking and all, and one by one everyone went home. by the time it was just sean and i, things were quiet. i can't remember who started the conversation but we started talking about school and i was telling him he should pay more attention to students who are damn quiet. those are the ones that truly needs attention (i.e. the me last time. haha!) and so we talked and all. when we reached my place, the mother kept asking sean to send me up, which was strange cos the mother never asked him to do the same for the other girls! sean turned around to ask me if i wanted him to send me up, then the mother said something like "just send her up!" but i before he could react, i quickly open the door and said bye. closed the door and left. HAHA. by then it was midnight already. haha.
that night, i made used of the number i stole from my friend and sent him a message to tell him that i was "home and he don't have to worry" but he never replied. at first i thought he just didn't want to reply. but after a while, i was feeling a bit irritated cos i always like it when people reply me, even if it's just an "ok". haha!
then i thought maybe i got the wrong number, so i messaged another friend and ask her for sean's number. then i messaged sean, and guess what! he replied! haha. then i told him i was the girl that was the last to be dropped off, and we started sms-ing each other. yes, during school hours, where i'm suppose to study and learn and he's suppose to teach. haha. and started talking at night for like many, many hours before we slept. haha.
oh yah, at that time i was attached, to a guy who abused me, but that's the past now so i don't wish to talk about it. haha. he was also sort of going out with a teacher in his school, at that time.
maybe for the next post, i'll write about how we managed to get together, as boyfriend and girlfriend. and all the meetings we had while we were both seeing someone else. haha.
but yah, this was how we knew each other and got along and started meeting up at places like tampines's long john silver, KFC and bedok princess's mcdonald's. haha.
and if you're wondering, YES. I WAS THE ONE WHO MADE THE FIRST MOVE! and thank god i did! :)
p.s. i think i'll do a post by post of how we decided to take our relationship to the ultimum, getting married. haha. good to record, for memories sake :) but don't expect much of a fairytale thing thing. haha!
10:57 AM
Friday, March 10, 2006
De-Froze Queen

this is sean's plate with rice and meat, carrots and vegetables!

this was what's left in the plate of the dish after sean poured almost half of it onto his plate
sean picked me up at the club after i had a meal with my bowling teammates. we then head home and he said he hadn't had lunch yet (it was close to being 6pm by then) so i said to go grab some food before heading back but he just drove straight home. so on our way to my parents place, i said that i'll cook! since my whole entire family will be at the club, leaving no food at home. and he was keen on it. HAHA. so VOILA!
defrozed, prepared and cooked in an hour!
no idea what this dish is called too. but it's stir fried pork marinated in oyster sauce with water and cornstarch, NO OIL USED IN THE PROCESS OF COOKING! colourfied with carrots and green vegetables that were boiled till soft. HEALTHY HEALTHY DISH!
in the process of peeling the carrot, the action-belek me decided to make a flower out of the carrot - my maid had shown me how to do it! - end up, when i was carving out the first petal, the carrot slipped and i cut my finger instead! haha. but it's ok la. not a lot of blood, just lost a tiny piece of flesh. quite a clean cut i must say. haha.
and guess what? at first, it was too salty (according to my hubs) so i added more water, and then! it tasted just nice! wahaha! so cool ar.
mum came back and tried the dish, and she said the taste is good only thing is.. the meat was cubed instead of the usual sliced. but later on, after she had a few more, she said that cubed meat tasted not that bad cos the taste last longer and you can feel that the meat is actually in your mouth, being chewed into tiny bits!
so.. YAY!
i'm the queen of rojak-ness cooking!
and yes, i realised i'm only good with meat, carrots and a vegetables. and yes, my darling oyster sauce. WAHAHA. but what can i say???
10:59 PM
Monday, March 06, 2006
speaking of making love..
have you read yesterday's issue of
The New Paper? it was filled with the vitalsexual survey issue. haha.
and yes, sean and i were making fun of it. and he was like nodding in approval towards some reporter's view on it's also the women's fault and that the woman in the relationship should seduce the man into wanting to have sex. haha! like OMG, haven't i done enough of that in our relationship!? haha!
but last night's love-making has got to be one of the funniest. haha. which is one of the reason why i'm taking note of it. haha!
we were lying in bed, lights off, and talking when i started nudging him. haha! and giggling and he said
why are you giggling? something smells fishy! then he started to sniff me all over! and when he reached my chest he went
smells like milk! hehehe!
and yes, that's how it all started. hehe. of cos there were many other ways as to how we start, but this one is just one of the many funny ways of starting it. haha.
7:39 PM
just me and my imagination
i'm like so totally into this book,
P.S. I Love You that i'm just imagining what life would be like to be without sean.
the book is basically about this woman, Holly, who lost her husband, Gerry, a few months before she turned 30. the both of them were like each others best friends, lovers and soulmates.
then i thought about what would happen to me, should something happen to sean! i think i'll be exactly like how Holly reacted in the book! lost, dejected, hardened, sad, vulnerable etc.
this morning, i woke up, all alone in bed. nope, nothing has happened to sean, he just went off for work while i slept in since i was on holiday (yippee!) but the feeling of waking up alone is just so.. WRONG. it still feels best when i get up, with his arms wrapped around me and i feel so protected AND BLESSED! =)
so, the ever-so-imaginative me started to drift off into thoughts, while lying in bed, of sean not being around anymore. i started feeling sad, depressed and moody. honestly, i don't think i'll be able to move on should i be left all alone here. it would probably take me ages, maybe never! and coming from a person who dislike people who can't move on.. a bit of the erm, ironic, isn't it? haha.
anyways, reading the book, it has made me realise that i should treasure baby more and
never, ever take him for granted. like expect him to do this or that, or expect him to give me this or that etc. i should just do whatever i wanted to be done, and let him do whatever he want and also do what we like together! i should also hug him, kiss him, make love to him (that doesn't just limits to sex.) and LOVE HIM. he is afterall, my
husband. hehe.
5:21 PM
Friday, March 03, 2006
good morning, mrs wong!
last night i was helping baby mark some of his test papers. those with standard answers and i can never mark anything wrong kind. haha! (unlike compositions and letter writing, HEADACHE!)
some of the things his students wrote in the comprehension q&a and cloze passage really tickled my funny bones. i have absolutely no idea where they get their answers from. very interesting answers though.
after i finished marking 2 classes worth of scripts, we went to bed. he then asked me, since i enjoy, in fact, i LOVE marking and things that a teacher does daily, why don't i be one!?
good question. i simply replied him that to be a teacher, one has to have an 'A' level certificate, and what i'll be getting would just be a diploma. then he told me about a good fried-cum-ex-colleague of his, who graduate with a diploma in polytechnic, then went on to a university to get a degree then signed up with NIE. but that was long ago, so he's not sure if much has changed since.
i had thought of going to an institution, to take the 3 year 'A' level course, but it wasn't me! i hate studying. haha. how can a person who hates studying so much be a teacher! actually, come to think of it, i think i can! hahaha.
oh wells, lets just see how things go for me. i'll complete my diploma first, then decide where to go from there. if i'm offered a lucrative job and something that i like! i'll take it! if i don't have, and my grades are good enough, i'll go to a university to continue my studies (how ironic)
if i can be a teacher, then i will be! if i can't.. well, let's just say i have this crazy mind that thinks of all sorts of business that i can setup and venture into with him (yes, he likes my crazy ideas aka day-dreaming) HAHA! now, if only i have the capital and contacts, i'll start right away!
9:24 AM