Sunday, October 29, 2006
the lovely first
today's our first wedding anniversary :)
but due to unforseen circumstances, sean and i celebrated our first yesterday instead of today cos my mum was out for some office team building thing and dad had a swimming competition till late.
doubling up on First
s! i went on my virgin trip to Great World City! okay, call me a country bumpkin or whatever, but i've seriously never been there before. no difference as compared to other shopping malls, except their toilets are so cute! haha. sean and i were on a toilet tour after lunch and purchasing the wine. haha.
we skipped breakfast and headed straight for great world city after we woke up and showered. took a few wrong turns to get it right and we eventually reached.
once we reached there, we thought of what to have for lunch and we settled for jack's place. haha. after that, we looked for the shop where my mum told us to get the wine from. found it, bought them and their guy helped carry the case down to the car. we then started our toilet tour! haha!
i'm seriously amazed, never seen anything like this before. haha! and then, while browsing around the place, i saw the cutest necklace! sean offered to buy it for me, as a gift for our first but i rejected it. haha! he has already gotten me loads of stuff! and he's going to continue buying me gifts now and then. haha. and i'm patiently waiting for the customized ring he's planning to get!
but anyways, i changed my necklace on the spot and happily wore my new necklace + sean's self-made necklace (which made people ogle and asked after!) and i told sean that i want a similar make of his necklace soon! by like next year! lol.
anyway, i'm randomizing now. so here are the photos from yesterday!

the zoo themed gents

the japanese themed ladies

the norway themed ladies
there are many other themes, i only took photos of those that i was in and had nobody else inside. haha.
us at jack's place

heading home!
11:17 PM
Monday, October 16, 2006
Important Annoucement!
Hello Everyone!
Great news!
I'll be selling my items, together with other creators from RP, at a pushcart in Vivocity from 20th-24th Oct! (Fri-Tues, 10am-11pm, I may or may not be there, but there'll be someone mending the pushcart)
For each and every item sold, a percentage of the profits would be donated to a charity organisation for children! :)
So come on down and do your bit for charity!
11:27 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
that's the time
these were taken during the period when our baby paris was recovering from a scratch in the eye by a cat, thanks to an irresponsible act by another person.

9:44 PM
Friday, October 06, 2006
till death do us part
i had a really scary thought in the middle of my journey to school.
the idea of 'what would sean do if i were to die tomorrow or next week or next year?' just popped into my head and i was thinking which photo he would choose to use as THE picture. and then i drifted to think about what he would do with our baby paris, will he keep her or put her to sleep and let her come with me or pass her to someone else to look after. and then it went on to whether he would remarry years down the road (which he told me he wouldn't like a really long time ago)
then it went on to 'what i would do if sean were to die tomorrow or next week or next year?' i think i'll be so devasted that i'll just kill myself immediately. but if i don't, i will definitely continue looking after paris, afterall she is our baby even though she's a dog, and we're now like one really happy family :) as to whether or not i will remarry, it's not difficult to answer cos i won't, at least i doubt i will.
cos my aunty told me before and many times over that
a woman can have as many boyfriends as she wants, but she can only have one husband (vice versa). and i strongly believe in that, regardless of which angle it is taken to look at.
8:39 AM
Monday, October 02, 2006
poor baby
our baby paris got scratched by a cat in the eye and now she has to wear that ice cream cone thing around her neck and she can't go out for walks until her eye is healed.
sigh. i'm so sad la................
11:18 AM